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Tesco Food Manufacturing Standard (Version 4.0)

Started by , Jul 19 2010 04:19 PM
12 Replies
Just released and deserving of a major nc for tardiness

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thx lanser.. great doc...
Thanks Lanser. I split into a separate topic to make it more visible.
When do you receive a blue, green, amber, red rate? How many minors, how many majors?

Just released and deserving of a major nc for tardiness


Thanks for it. Really a nice document.




Thank you for this doc! Do you know by hazard what are exactly the differeces between green abd blue categories? How many minor nonconformities are you alowed for each? The company that I'll move in next month have a green and they desire to get it blue. Had 10 minors last year and not sure if the no for green is 3 or I'm wrong!

Thanks LANSER,

it is really good standard, it covers a good scope in Food Manufactures systems


Moh Negm
If i remember correctly blue is the best possible :)
To achieve a Blue standard you must have 4 or less minor non-con's. Up to 16 non-con's will result in a Green and a major in any area (irrespective of the number of minors) will resultin an automatic Amber. A Critical will take you straight to Red and more pain than you will ever want in your entire working life!

The standard is not like BRC where you are audited for compliance. The Tesco TFMS actively audits for non compliance and is based squarely on what is occurring on the shop floor with the procedures / records backing this up. BRC on the otherhand has a relatively brief site walk section with the onus on paperwork.

Therefore, you are at the mercy of how the workforce complies with your procedures much more than with other standards.

By the way, my site is double blue for the past two years.

To achieve a Blue standard you must have 4 or less minor non-con's. Up to 16 non-con's will result in a Green and a major in any area (irrespective of the number of minors) will resultin an automatic Amber. A Critical will take you straight to Red and more pain than you will ever want in your entire working life!

The standard is not like BRC where you are audited for compliance. The Tesco TFMS actively audits for non compliance and is based squarely on what is occurring on the shop floor with the procedures / records backing this up. BRC on the otherhand has a relatively brief site walk section with the onus on paperwork.

Therefore, you are at the mercy of how the workforce complies with your procedures much more than with other standards.

By the way, my site is double blue for the past two years.

Excellent stuff!! Big well done!!
Great to see the full standard. Thanks a lot.

On pest control, does anybody have any idea why toxic baits are being banned from storage areas? Where raw ingredients are being stored I can see some justification, but why would there be a hazard in a finished goods warehouse?

The specification says fixed tamper-resistant baits so the risks of contamination are virtually none.

We do use trapping systems in many sites, but I have a strong preference for prophylactic baiting where appropriate. Seems ot me that this is jumping on the bandwagon of reducing rodenticides with no real justification.

I'd be interested in your thoughts.

(If this should properly be in the Pest Control section, I apologise).
Dear sskubisnac,

The standard is not like BRC where you are audited for compliance......brief site walk

IMEX, the opposite has been the case. 80 pct time in the factory. Unfortunately.
Maybe BRC didn't like your manuals?

Rgds / Charles.C
Hi everyone,

In 20.5.1, it states that "All personnel must complete recognised food safety training e.g. Basic Food Hygiene within 3 months of starting work (UK)"

Does anyone know what they define as recognised? Does the training have to be CIEH, RSPH etc, or can it follow a recognised syllabus?



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