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Heat Waves and common sense

Started by , Jul 17 2010 02:15 AM
2 Replies
It amazes me that every year when temperatures in my area soar near 110° F, even up to 117° (not as frequent) , I see common sense thrown out the door. The news becomes saturated with with reports pets being left behind to bake inside vehicles and in some cases, children. I don't understand the logic. To roll up your windows and walk away into the grocery store with the reasoning that you are only going in for about 10 minutes, is absolutely ridiculous.

At the very least, I hope that people learn from those same news reports and think twice when they're going to make a "quick" stop at the store, or don't want to disturb their sleeping child in the backseat.

Ok so, this didn't have anything to do with food safety, just had to get it off my chest.
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Nope fair point. Lots of considerations in the heat.

I have a 10 week old baby and I would never leave him in the car alone, however, one thing that people don't realise is (in the UK anyway) how badly some carparks are organised to help you get in and out of a car with a car seat. I parked next to a path in one carpark to ensure I could open the door wide enough to get my baby out and found that once I'd got the buggy out, there was tasteful planting in this pathway meaning I couldn't get past without lifting him off the curb into the path of traffic! Some shops are astonishingly bad at organising stock to enable you to get round without banging into something so although I wouldn't condone it, I can see how the sleep deprived mind might think "I've got one thing to get, he's asleep, he'll be ok..." Not the thing to do though at all.

This is where the food retail industry in the UK has it right in the most part. The supermarkets have mother and baby parking spaces (which some even fine other people for using but you do get abuse of them by non parents) however, they are great, loads of space to get your baby in and out. Loads of aisle space. The only problem is there is always a blooming restocking trolley which gets in the way!

See? I've even neatly brought it back to food as well. You can thank me later...

This is where the food retail industry in the UK has it right in the most part. The supermarkets have mother and baby parking spaces (which some even fine other people for using but you do get abuse of them by non parents) however, they are great, loads of space to get your baby in and out. Loads of aisle space. The only problem is there is always a blooming restocking trolley which gets in the way!

See? I've even neatly brought it back to food as well. You can thank me later...

Thanks GMO, I should have added that I seen an uncooked chicken resting directly on the dashboard of the vehicle.

In the US, at least in my area, the Mother and Children parking concept is just now being introduced. I personally use it all the time and think it's great. I just can't wrap my mind around leaving children and pets in the vehicle at 110-117 F (43°C - 47°C) - even with all windows open, I might be a weenie but it's even tough just walking from the car into the office in this heat. Thankful I'm in an AC cooled building!!!



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