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Generic HACCP manual for apple juice manufacture

Started by , Jun 10 2010 08:45 PM
4 Replies
I am looking for a generic HACCP manual and Hazard Analysis for apple juice production in glass bottles.
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Dear c-los,

It may depend on exactly what you want. Assuming this is US production, I seem to recall (??) 2 production routes are possible for US juices, pasteurised and not. If the former, must ceretainly comply to the officially published FDA procedures which are also, from memory, published in an interpreted format as a detailed producer's manual. The latter is linked on this forum somewhere, the former are immediately available from Google and i guess you know them already .

If unpasteurised, i recall there are also official requirements but no direct experience.

Any juice people here?

Rgds / Charles.C

I am looking for a generic HACCP manual and Hazard Analysis for apple juice production in glass bottles.

Hi c-los

I am assuming this is pasteurised. In which case your most likely CCP's are pasteurisation, bottle cleaning, foreign body detection in container and glass/glass breakage control. Each process is individual and therefore you should conduct your own Hazard Analysis. PM if you need some guidance.



I'm wondering if you might share your findings on HACCP for apple juice production with me because I need something quick for my presentation next week.



I am looking for a generic HACCP manual and Hazard Analysis for apple juice production in glass bottles.

Dear humblebishop,

It might have been more appropriate to acknowledge the assistance already given in yr own recent duplicate thread !!


Unfortunately, zero in frequently yields zero out.

Rgds / Charles.C

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