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Revisions of Controlled Documents

Started by , Apr 19 2010 02:04 PM
6 Replies
Hi All,

Silly question ... but ....

I am going to change all my footers on my controlled documents so they look more up to date and proffesional. Currently they simply display the author, date of issue, revision number and document number.

I want to put them into a smarter looking table and it is going to say exactly the same although I will add the page number

BUT here is my question:

will it need a new revision number?????????

I am just going round in circles with myself here, such a simple topic yet I have hit a mental brick wall!
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In my humble opinion I would say not. If all of the content is the same then it will not affect anything of significance - apart from your conscience.

In my humble opinion I would say not. If all of the content is the same then it will not affect anything of significance - apart from your conscience.

I would agree with Simon, BUT it may depend on your system or standard that you follow. In must cases, I would think you could sell the fact that you just made a format change so you did not change revisions. The best bet would be to have a statement in your document control that states when you do and don't do revision changes.

Actually, you just gave me something to do because I do feel that way and I don't have it in my Doc Control SOP!
I agree with Simon the document is the same so no need to change the version.

In the footers of the controlled documents you can add the name of the document (Word and Excel). The name of the document can include the version as well. Example: INSTRUCTION_Cleaning_001 (number) or INSTRUCTION_Cleaning_100420 (date).

I don't see the point in adding the author unless more people write the controlled documents.

Good luck!

Thats what I thought, thanks guys you were really helpfull.

All the Best!

Depends on your level of pedantry! Being a pedant myself, I probably would bring in a whole new document type and use the opportunity to start from scratch, however, the risk is that you may need to retrain against the documents again. Personally, I would wait until I had the time to really review the FSQMS in its entirety so I could do this but as I said, I'm a pedant!
Dear Gemma,

Indeed, if you peruse the multitude of ISO 9001 quality manuals on the net, you can often see a (usually) small comment slipped into the Document Control Procedure something like -

The revision number will not be updated in the case of items like correction of typographical errors, spelling mistakes, re-formatting or other minor changes provided that there is no significant effect on the interpretation / meaning of any associated text.

Rgds / Charles.C

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