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Packaging Material Specifications Template

Started by , Mar 25 2010 03:38 AM
10 Replies
Hi there,

I was looking for a template for packaging materials (direct contact and non direct contact) and I was wondering if anybody has something on hand.

Highly appreciated!

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Dear cartea,

Welcome to the forum !

With all due respect, yr query is rather "general", wud probably demand a book.

Can you be more specific, eg intended application ? regulatory / private standard if any ?

Rgds / Charles.C

Hi there,

I was looking for a template for packaging materials (direct contact and non direct contact) and I was wondering if anybody has something on hand.

Highly appreciated!


Hi Cartea

See pages 28 - 30 of attached article for direct food contact - hope this helps

legalcompliancefoodpackaging.pdf   446.22KB   907 downloads

2 Thanks
Good reference document Rosie.

Hi Cartea,

A specification will vary depending on the packaging material. I can post you an example next week though if that's what you want.

Maybe if you told us the packaging products we could tell you what should be included in the specification.

Hi everybody!

Thanks for your responses and interest! You guys are great!

Now, what I'm trying to find is a template to use as a tool to develop the specifications of all packaging materials used in the factory (tea production) which will include filter paper, envelope paper, tags, threads, inners,outers etc. These will be used as reference at the receiving (once agrred with the supplier) and by the procurement to buy new products.

I know that this will vary from one product to another but I need a template to start with:)

See attached a template for raw materials/finish product. I'm looking for something similar for packaging materials. :)

FPX+guideline+spec+11.2000 mod.doc   162KB   673 downloads
3 Thanks
Can anyone post some example specifications for packaging items.


Probably this would help

(PCM Specification Template).pdf   266.52KB   853 downloads

or this one....


(added Charles.C, 230613, seems to be broken link)


1 Thank
Brilliant Zeeshan thanks.
Did you ever come up with a packaging template? I'm looking for one also

Hi there,

I was looking for a template for packaging materials (direct contact and non direct contact) and I was wondering if anybody has something on hand.

Highly appreciated!


Here's an example specification posted on the Yoghurt risk assessment thread, it's for a yoghurt lid.

Attached Files

1 Like2 Thanks
Thanks Simon, this is perfect

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