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Help with Interview Questions for Technical Managers

Started by , Mar 18 2010 08:54 PM
8 Replies
I need to think of some interview questions for Technical Managers. Help!!!
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What is the goal of the interview?
internal auditing the technical managers? internal auditing conducted by the technical managers? recruitement and selection for new managers?

Oh! I just realise that Technical Manager in UK is Quality Manager. I was thinking of technicians. So I suppose it is a job application for your staff. Give some real life cases: what would you do if..... and ask if he/she knows where to gain more information: If he/she mention this forum, it will be alright.
Just ask plenty of open questions and then sit back and listen a lot.

Starting at the beginning tell me all about yourself?
How do you motivate people?
What motivates you?
Pretend I’m a new starter - tell me about BRC and HACCP in simple terms?
How would you contribute to instilling a culture of continuous improvement throughout the business?
What do you see as the Technical Managers role?
What do you see as the technical departments purpose within a business?
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Exhaustive list of questions indeed!

How about

Do you have a sense of humour and can you kick a***!!
What was all this about GMO, you applying or hiring - what happened?


I need to think of some interview questions for Technical Managers. Help!!!

I was before technical manager for global oils and fats,

Know about products development and processing technology, applications and end use.
Specification - physical and chemical properties - product and packaging specification
Scaling up from lab trials to pilot plant and from pilot plant to industrial commercialization.

and so on...
Sorry for the late response, this was when I was interviewing for my interim replacement a few weeks back to cover my maternity leave. I did come up with some questions in the end; some techie, some managerial (the one about when you've handled poor performance was interesting as was "give me an example of when you've influenced someone from another function to improve food safety standards").

Just so you all know; my wee bab has made it into the world!

Just so you all know; my wee bab has made it into the world!

Well done GMO, I hope you are both doing well. Name, sex, weight, picture? It would be nice to hear and see some more. It's not always easy, but being a parent is very rewarding, it's what we are here for. Have fun and best wishes.


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