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Micro analysis - Sweets & Confectionary

Started by , Jan 20 2010 10:06 PM
3 Replies
Hi All.

I am starting to think about my next assignment for my course and wondered if anyone could answer my query.

I want to do something on the micro analysis of confectionery, such as chocolate, boiled sweets, fudge, mints, jellies - that type of thing.

Where could I find information on parameters for micro analysis on this type of high sugar, low water activity (fairly low risk) product. I would do salmonella on the chocolate and osmo yeats & mould on all the sweets, but I can't find any guidance specifically related to sweets.

Anyone know where I can look?
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BUMP for Poppysnoss.
Dear poppy,

One immediate source on confectionary, though getting a little old, is the chapter in attachment I added in this link –

(post 5)

A second one is microorganisms in foods vol 6 available as google book, I enclose 2 extracts –

confec.pic1.png   76KB   52 downloads
confec._pic2.png   73.48KB   39 downloads

Rgds / Charles.C
Thankyou Charles. Your links are useful in backing up some of the data I have managed to source.

Most kind!

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