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Micro Criteria Tesco

Started by , Sep 16 2009 10:17 AM
4 Replies
Hi all, just preparing a test product for tesco for supply next year, it's a fresh map marinaded/dusted chicken kebab any advice on micro limits and test suites at production and end of life?
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Hi all, just preparing a test product for tesco for supply next year, it's a fresh map marinaded/dusted chicken kebab any advice on micro limits and test suites at production and end of life?

Hi There

Use the TESCO Shelf Life COP.

Attached in other posts here is a link:


ahh thanks for that and thanks to Caz for a helpful list of stuff, we don't usually produce for tesco and our Group Specs guy hasn't set up access to the Tech library yet
Hi Lanser

I just looked at my Tesco file and found the micro limits for "Marinated Raw And Further Processed Poultry" (Spec No F11). If you haven't got it already, you can e-mail me your fax number I'll fax it to you as I don't have it electronically.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for the offer Paul, but group finally came up with the Tech library access

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