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Generic Food Defense Plan

Started by , Sep 14 2009 07:13 PM
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Cathy Crawford kindly sent this document over for your attention.

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Thanks Cathy for the generic Food defence Plan.

In addition to the above, as per US MIL-STD3006C, each establishment needs to develop Food Operational Risk Management Programme

Extracted below from this standard:

Food Operational Risk Management (FORM). A simplified food safety and defense risk assessment process based on severity and frequency to prioritize risks, target resources and focus efforts on short-term accomplishments. The approach is similar to a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan and used to minimize food safety and defense risks. Components of FORM include: (1) Identify the hazards; 2) Assess the risk; 3) Analyze risk control measures; 4) Make control decisions; 5) Implement risk controls; and 6) Supervise and review. FORM provides for a more effective use of resources and can be used to improve food safety and defense. A HACCP plan supports, but does not substitute a FORM assessment.

Infact I read someone calling this approach as TACCP (Threat Analysis and Critical Control Points)

My request to members is that does anyone developed their defence plan (establishment specific) on these lines?


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Infact I read someone calling this approach as TACCP (Threat Analysis and Critical Control Points)

TACCP (Threat Analysis and Critical Control Points)

Oh no should I start a new forum.

I know some purist don't like to extend HACCP beyond food safety to cover quality defects but should a 21st century HACCP plan include all hazards e.g. chemical, physical, biological, quality, defense etc.?

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Cathy Crawford kindly sent this document over for your attention.

I must admit i have plagarised this and introduced it into my Crisis Management procedure.

Excellent reference document Cathy......thank you!

caz x
1 Thank

TACCP (Threat Analysis and Critical Control Points)

Oh no should I start a new forum.

I know some purist don't like to extend HACCP beyond food safety to cover quality defects but should a 21st century HACCP plan include all hazards e.g. chemical, physical, biological, quality, defense etc.?


Dear Simon, it seems that is the way it will go.

I´m not familiar with other Food Safety Management Systems, but FSSC 22000
(PAS 220---PAS 96) has a title about it:

"18 Food defence, biovigilance and bioterrorism

18.1 General requirements

Each establishment shall assess the hazard to products posed by potential acts of sabotage, vandalism or terrorism and shall put in place proportional protective measures.

NOTE For further information and guidance on approaches to the protection of food businesses from all forms of malicious attack see PAS 96..."


1 Thank
I am in the middle of developing my company's Food Defense Plan and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for an vulnerability assessment? I work for a company that produces food packaging containers. We do not work with any food what so ever. I have found that most of the Food Defense Plans and assessments are geared towards food producing manufactures (which is what it should be) but just wanted to see if anyone is in the same boat as I am or can give me any advice on this.

Your comments and advice are greatly appreciated.
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I don't think food defense fits in well with HACCP. You can and should look at your process and food defense risks step by step - but you cannot determine what hazard is reasonably likely to occur. Was it reasonable to fly into the twin towers or to put niccotine in ground beef? Food defense requires action to protect against the unpredictable and unreasonable. You can use the concept of a critical (or higher risk) step in a process - but I don't think the HACCP philosophy works well here.
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I am in the middle of developing my company's Food Defense Plan and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for an vulnerability assessment? I work for a company that produces food packaging containers. We do not work with any food what so ever. I have found that most of the Food Defense Plans and assessments are geared towards food producing manufactures (which is what it should be) but just wanted to see if anyone is in the same boat as I am or can give me any advice on this.

Your comments and advice are greatly appreciated.

Dear PWP,

Food packaging containers could be a vehicle for indirect contamination of a food, so it is wise to have a Food Defense Plan. I haven´t been in the need to implement one, so just can wish you good luck.




I am in the middle of developing my company's Food Defense Plan and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for an vulnerability assessment? I work for a company that produces food packaging containers. We do not work with any food what so ever. I have found that most of the Food Defense Plans and assessments are geared towards food producing manufactures (which is what it should be) but just wanted to see if anyone is in the same boat as I am or can give me any advice on this.

Your comments and advice are greatly appreciated.

Generate your own risk assessment : PRP_18.1_Food_Defence_Risk_Assessment.pdf   136.69KB   2012 downloads

kind regards,

1 Like6 Thanks

Generate your own risk assessment : PRP_18.1_Food_Defence_Risk_Assessment.pdf   136.69KB   2012 downloads

kind regards,


this is all really great stuff... thanks
Great doc.. thanks all
Here's a good doc from the USDA on the topic of fOOD defense and a general approach on how to develop a program:

1 Thank
Hello All,

I'm a little bit confused.
My company have a good food defense plan but now we get an audit next week with the AIB guidelines.
On the guidelines they ask for risk management what my company not have.
What is risk management and what do i need to implement this in my food defense plan ?

Thanks in advance.


Hello All,

I'm a little bit confused.
My company have a good food defense plan but now we get an audit next week with the AIB guidelines.
On the guidelines they ask for risk management what my company not have.
What is risk management and what do i need to implement this in my food defense plan ?

Thanks in advance.


Dear Steffen Weigel,

Free BUMP.
I suggest people reply to your own, parallel, thread here -


Rgds / Charles.C
1 Thank

I've done a risk assessment (which i've plagarised from somewhere...maybe even here!) which auditors seem to like.

I've attached it if someone wants to use it.


food defense plan - Site Security Risk Assessment.xlsx   23.77KB   1085 downloads

caz x

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Dear Simon,


Thank you very much for this window of opportunity. I am developing a program for my department: MSc Food Forensics, and I want food defense to be part of the 12 month program. I would be glad if I could have any information to consider.



TACCP (Threat Analysis and Critical Control Points) :helpplease:

Oh no should I start a new forum.

I know some purist don't like to extend HACCP beyond food safety to cover quality defects but should a 21st century HACCP plan include all hazards e.g. chemical, physical, biological, quality, defense etc.?


Being a "purist" I would say we need to keep food safety and quality separated in documentation. Sadly some of our regulatory enforcers have a hard enough time following and understanding a HACCP plan, so adding the quality aspect would add additional headaches.


very helpful in developing our own plan.

Cathy Crawford kindly sent this document over for your attention.

Thank you so much for this!

I've done a risk assessment (which i've plagarised from somewhere...maybe even here!) which auditors seem to like.

I've attached it if someone wants to use it.

caz x

I have something very similar to this caz...this is best practice

1 Thank

Huge thanks to everyone who has shared information in this thread.  It helped me greatly in preparing our BRC for Agents & Brokers audit.

We used the FDA's Food Defense Plan Builder to develop our food defense plan. We are a food packaging company. Is that acceptable? Thanks!



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We used the FDA's Food Defense Plan Builder to develop our food defense plan. We are a food packaging company. Is that acceptable? Thanks!




Hi ksteele,


Acceptable to Whom ?

i can't download the file...please help...thank you


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