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Question on the scope of HACCP product descriptions

Started by , Sep 10 2009 04:16 AM
4 Replies
Hi there,
I would be interested in some opinions on the scope of HACCP product descriptions.
Should they apply to finished products only, or should they also be developed for Work-in-progress (WIP) that is transported to another site for additional processing?

I am consulting for a cheese factory that makes bulk cheese which is sent off-site for a minimum of one year for maturation. Once mature, the majority of the cheese is sent to another plant for cutting / shredding / packing, but some of the cheese is returned to the original manufacture site to be packed as finished goods (whole wheels to be waxed, labelled and packed and sent to food service customers)

Product descriptions and intended use statements have been prepared for all the finished goods on site, but I was wondering if I should extend this to the WIP products.

I am leaning towards 'not' as the purpose of the product descriptions is to clarify characteristics of the product that can be taken into consideration during the hazard analysis, and all this is well covered in the finished goods documents.

I hope this makes some kind of sense! What do you think? What do you do in your own organisations?

Thanks and regards!
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Hi there,
I would be interested in some opinions on the scope of HACCP product descriptions.
Should they apply to finished products only, or should they also be developed for Work-in-progress (WIP) that is transported to another site for additional processing?

I am consulting for a cheese factory that makes bulk cheese which is sent off-site for a minimum of one year for maturation. Once mature, the majority of the cheese is sent to another plant for cutting / shredding / packing, but some of the cheese is returned to the original manufacture site to be packed as finished goods (whole wheels to be waxed, labelled and packed and sent to food service customers)

Product descriptions and intended use statements have been prepared for all the finished goods on site, but I was wondering if I should extend this to the WIP products.

I am leaning towards 'not' as the purpose of the product descriptions is to clarify characteristics of the product that can be taken into consideration during the hazard analysis, and all this is well covered in the finished goods documents.

I hope this makes some kind of sense! What do you think? What do you do in your own organisations?

Thanks and regards!

Hi Olive

So they are End Products and WIP for the site in question.

ISO 22000

The characteristics of end products shall be described in documents to the extent needed to conduct the hazard analysis

So if a description is needed in order to conduct a Hazard analysis then your answer is yes.


Hi olivewhippet;

Since your WIP or semi-finished product is a part of your process and is included into your hazard analysis , you should make a description of these too. Plus, before you send them to another additional processing site , you should already have some quality or product parameters to be met as a semifinished product prior to their dispatch. And your intermediate product is being a raw material for the next site(maturation part). For all these ; you should make a product or semifinished or WIP- whatever you call -product description .This is my suggestion and hope it helps .

Regards ,

I would be interested in some opinions on the scope of HACCP product descriptions.
Should they apply to finished products only, or should they also be developed for Work-in-progress (WIP) that is transported to another site for additional processing?

I am consulting for a cheese factory that makes bulk cheese which is sent off-site for a minimum of one year for maturation. Once mature, the majority of the cheese is sent to another plant for cutting / shredding / packing, but some of the cheese is returned to the original manufacture site to be packed as finished goods (whole wheels to be waxed, labelled and packed and sent to food service customers)

Hi Olive,
Just some assumptions before I give my views. It appears that there are two scenarios.

Scenario 1 - Cheeses "sent" to an out-sourced processor for further aging process and return a year + later (and rightfully be treated as WIP) for packing etc.

Scenario 2 - Cheeses "sold" to a processor whereas some quantity are bought back after aging for further processing into commercial pack sizes

My views are as follows:
I would consider under scenario 1 as WIP product and remain so until aging maturity is complete and returned by out-sourced processor for final packing. Product Description starts from here.

Under scenario 2 - I consider the cheeses sold as final products (prod. description starts here). If and when these aged / matured cheeses are bought later from "customers" after the aging process, these products should be managed as part of the ingredient supply chain as they are no longer in the control of the company.

Interesting situation.
Dear Olivewhippet,

Regardless of the conceptual HACCP aspect, I am rather amazed that the "another site" does not (at a minimum) demand a (HACCP compatible) product definition for your WIP from you as a matter of course which would presumably resolve your dilemma.
(A similar query arises IMO regarding the categorisation of 90% finished product to you).

What then happens if this processor is unhappy (somehow) with the quality / safety of any received input ? Seems a rather biased arrangement in yr favour ( ). IMEX, the reverse situation is more common, despatched, semi-finished material is not accepted by a receiver for a (hitherto) undiscussed / arbitrary parameter( )

An even more confusing scenario is where all the participants are within the same group.!(?)

Rgds / Charles.C

PS Was interested to notice yr avowed dislike of SQf2000, any particular reason?

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