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Health Benefits of Ghee

Started by , Sep 02 2009 07:01 AM
7 Replies
Ghee is one of the best oils for cooking. It stimulates digestive fire (or Agni) according to Ayurveda. It has a very high smoke point (~400°F) and its chemical structure does not change at high heat. When you cook with ghee, there is no hissing, popping or splattering. It produces sweet aroma when heated. You use less than half of other oils and it enhances the flavor of food.

Cow Ghee is considered a sattvic food in Ayurveda. Cow milk has the essence of the grass and plants, and cow ghee possesses the essence of cow milk. Ghee does not contain harmful trans fats or hydrogenated oils which can cause heart disease and many other serious health problems. Ghee is a carrier of nutrition due to its ability to penetrate deep into tissues. Ghee also aids in the absorptions of vitamins and minerals in the food. This is the reason so many of Ayurvedic supplements are based on ghee.

Ghee is considered one of the best oils for baking, sauteing and deep frying. Casein and lactose are removed from butter during the clarification process, making ghee suitable for people allergic to dairy or with casein or lactose intolerance.
A well-prepared ghee has very little moisture content and it is shelf-stable. You do not need to refrigerate it for 2-3 months if you keep it in an airtight container. This makes it suitable to carry while traveling or camping. When kept in refrigerator, ghee can last up to a year. Ghee has slightly alkalizing effect on the body whereas butter has a slightly acidifying effect.

A ghee which has been properly washed accordingly to Ayurvedic specifications is very beneficial in healing the skin. A small amount of ghee applied to belly button nourishes the entire body and is especially helpful is healing dried lips. Ghee is widely used in Ayurvedic massages and supplements.

Ghee is most notably said to stimulate the secretion of stomach acids to help with digestion, while other fats, such as butter and oils, slow down the digestive process and can sit heavy in the stomach. I've tried several high quality ghee over the last few years and am so excited to have recently tried Pure Indian Foods and so happy to find 100% grass fed ghee! It is as delicious as it is nutritious.

What are your opinions on using ghee vs butter/oil for cooking?
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Since I am from India, I know how delicious ghee is. I love it, we use it for a variety of

food and preparations. Yes, it does give a sweet aroma when heated. I did not know

that ghee has so many good properties until I have read your post.

Thanks for that.


Ghee is one of the best oils for cooking. It stimulates digestive fire (or Agni) according to Ayurveda. It has a very high smoke point (~400°F) and its chemical structure does not change at high heat. When you cook with ghee, there is no hissing, popping or splattering. It produces sweet aroma when heated. You use less than half of other oils and it enhances the flavor of food.

Cow Ghee is considered a sattvic food in Ayurveda. Cow milk has the essence of the grass and plants, and cow ghee possesses the essence of cow milk. Ghee does not contain harmful trans fats or hydrogenated oils which can cause heart disease and many other serious health problems. Ghee is a carrier of nutrition due to its ability to penetrate deep into tissues. Ghee also aids in the absorptions of vitamins and minerals in the food. This is the reason so many of Ayurvedic supplements are based on ghee.

Ghee is considered one of the best oils for baking, sauteing and deep frying. Casein and lactose are removed from butter during the clarification process, making ghee suitable for people allergic to dairy or with casein or lactose intolerance.
A well-prepared ghee has very little moisture content and it is shelf-stable. You do not need to refrigerate it for 2-3 months if you keep it in an airtight container. This makes it suitable to carry while traveling or camping. When kept in refrigerator, ghee can last up to a year. Ghee has slightly alkalizing effect on the body whereas butter has a slightly acidifying effect.

A ghee which has been properly washed accordingly to Ayurvedic specifications is very beneficial in healing the skin. A small amount of ghee applied to belly button nourishes the entire body and is especially helpful is healing dried lips. Ghee is widely used in Ayurvedic massages and supplements.

Ghee is most notably said to stimulate the secretion of stomach acids to help with digestion, while other fats, such as butter and oils, slow down the digestive process and can sit heavy in the stomach. I've tried several high quality ghee over the last few years and am so excited to have recently tried Pure Indian Foods and so happy to find 100% grass fed ghee! It is as delicious as it is nutritious.
What are your opinions on using ghee vs butter/oil for cooking?

1. Cow milk has the essence of the grass and plants, and cow ghee possesses the essence of cow milk. = If feed on green pasture & cows milk certified free of disease.

2. Ghee does not contain harmful trans fats or hydrogenated oils which can cause heart disease and many other serious health problems. = But contains lot of Saturated Fat (around 66 %) & Cholesterol (contain about 0.1- 0.3% cholesterol while vegetable fats only have a trace at about 0.0003%)

Cholesterol is essential for:

Formation and maintenance of cell membranes (helps the cell to resist changes in temperature and protects and insulates nerve fibers)
  • Formation of sex hormones (progesterone, testosterone, estradiol, etc.)
  • Production of bile salts, which help to digest food
  • Conversion into vitamin D in the skin when exposed to sunlight.
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Much as it's interesting, I'm afraid some of this drifts into the "woo woo" territory for me.  

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Much as it's interesting, I'm afraid some of this drifts into the "woo woo" territory for me.  

although i grew up eating ghee and would add it in my food. I don't consume it often as i used to its tasty and everything but if scientifically proven i see myself agreeing with all the health benefits.


Ayurveda is herbal medicine which used to be effective with their limited understanding and one of the precursors to modern medicine. My mother had used it in the past but i wasn't effective for psoriasis on her feet because of improper diagnosis and medicine not effective. She gave up using it since. I considered ayurveda pseudoscience



Presently, the Gov of india one of the research facility has started investing in ayurveda which integrates knowledge from tribals, herbal medicine, & science. There is legit research going on i was surprised myself, & i couldn't believe myself.


i would still need research articles and actual science in order to back ghee but tasty nonethless.

I am familiar with ayurveda don't doubt that some of the tried and tested remedies will turn out to be effective.  I also think that the food industry has a lot to answer for in failing to look and test for potential downsides to some things which "seemed" healthier; trans fats in margarines compared with saturated or artificial sweeteners for example.  But I'm still happy to wait for scientific evidence.

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I am familiar with ayurveda don't doubt that some of the tried and tested remedies will turn out to be effective.  I also think that the food industry has a lot to answer for in failing to look and test for potential downsides to some things which "seemed" healthier; trans fats in margarines compared with saturated or artificial sweeteners for example.  But I'm still happy to wait for scientific evidence.

its being sold as "healthy" on the contrary lot of the ultra processed foods are not healthy but people think or it is marketed as healthy. These big conglomerates needs to answer for a lot of products also fast food. We should stop buying all unhealthy foods, stop working for these corrupt establishments and stop their monopoly.

This is a food safety site------please take personnel opinions and unproven "science" elsewhere


https://health.cleve...ct-from-fiction The bottom line?

O’Neill says choosing ghee should be a matter of personal preference and not based on any perceived health benefits. “The potential compounds that ghee contains are not significant enough to improve your health.”

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