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Hi All

Started by , Jul 16 2009 05:31 PM
1 Reply
Just a quick intro message

Came across this site whilst doing a bit of research- looked really interesting so I thought i'd pop in!

I am a former research microbiologist(a very long time ago) and a former QA/QC trainer in the food industry(not quite as long ago- but still a while!)- currently I am a food safety trainer- mostly on the catering side(uk based)

I'm looking forward to finding out whats going on around the world!!


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Just a quick intro message

Came across this site whilst doing a bit of research- looked really interesting so I thought i'd pop in!

I am a former research microbiologist(a very long time ago) and a former QA/QC trainer in the food industry(not quite as long ago- but still a while!)- currently I am a food safety trainer- mostly on the catering side(uk based)

I'm looking forward to finding out whats going on around the world!!



Hi Mike, Welcome to the forums; it's great to have you on board. Sounds like you have a wealth of experience so I do hope you find the time to share some of it with the newbies around here.


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