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What are the sequence of steps for a HACCP application project?

Started by , Jul 15 2009 02:54 PM
6 Replies
hi all ,

i need to understand what the first step that we can do when we began the application of HACCP program in food industry is it the preliminary steps like assemble haccp team and product description or the prerequsite program like good manufaturing practise and ssop , and where the site of the prerequisite program in the plan

please i attender your help in that matter and i know that you dont be late

thancks all
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Define your Food Safety Policies and Objectives
Assemble the HACCP team, with at least one team member who is HACCP trained
Make a description of the product, how it is processed or manufactured and the storage and distribution process
Identify the intended use of the products
Identify consumers of the products
Confirm the HACCP Scope
Consider the process and draw a flow diagram
Confirm the flow diagram is correct by following the process
Consider pre-requisites and GMP
Then follow the HACCP principles:
Principle 1
Conduct a hazard analysis.
Principle 2
Determine the Critical Control Points (CCPs).
Principle 3
Establish critical limit(s).
Principle 4
Establish a system to monitor control of the CCP.
Principle 5
Establish the corrective action to be taken when monitoring indicates that a particular CCP is not under control.
Principle 6
Establish documentation concerning all procedures and records appropriate to these principles and their application.
Principle 7
Establish procedures for verification to confirm that the HACCP system is working effectively.
Review at least annually or when changes are made


for general guide you can use FOOD BASIC HYGIENE FROM CODEX to implement PRP at your site
Hello, I have just very quickly taken an extract from a recent case study of our. Just covers basic steps but you will get the picture as follows:
Implementation began with development of Pre-requisite programmes such as:

  • Supplier quality assurance
  • Construction and fabrication of the premises
  • Layout of premises
  • Layout of equipment
  • Staff facilities
  • Utilities supplies, e.g. water, electricity, gas.
  • Cleaning & disinfection procedures
  • Personnel management
  • Procedural and hygiene training
  • Planned maintenance
  • Waste management
  • Pest control
  • Traceability
  • Stock rotation
  • Glass/brittle plastic control
  • Metal / sharps procedure
  • Incoming Goods procedures
  • and not least Allergen management control.
This was then followed by work on the HACCP system itself, following Codex Alimentarius e.g. product / process description, Intended use, verification & review procedures etc… etc….

With the multi-disciplinary HACCP team selected and trained work began on flow diagrams covering all site activities. Hazard analysis was formally documented and was also used to differentiate hazards controlled by the pre-requisite programmes. Then the all important decision trees and likelihood and severity risk assessments to define the CCPs. This was then followed by defining critical limits, monitoring procedures, corrective actions and responsibilities. With the HACCP complete and verified, the implementation process began with the development work instructions and CCP records. This was then followed by an intensive programme of training which also included the key pre- prerequisite programmes and well as CCP monitoring and corrective action.

Good luck!
thanks all im really very grateful you always help me to understand what i want to understand

I have just very quickly taken an extract from a recent case study of our
Then the all important decision trees and likelihood and severity risk assessments to define the CCPs.

Dear Allsafe

I don't really understand why you have spent so much time and attention on pre-requisites?

If you are in business pre-requisites do not really offer much of a due diligence defence.

Legislation requires a Hazard Analysis and Control of Critical Control Points. If you are starting on this journey focus on your goal not the peripherals. Fine decide on some pre-requisites but don't make it a job and a half.

Then you say "then the all important decision trees and liklihood and severity risk assessments"

To be pedantic you analyse your hazards first by assessing the liklihood and severity to decide if they are significant. If they are significant you then progress to the decision tree.

If you are starting off - get your HACCP plan completed so that you know your critical control points are covered off and worry about "all of the pre-requisites" later.


Dear Tony,

I don't really understand why you have spent so much time and attention on pre-requisites?
If you are in business pre-requisites do not really offer much of a due diligence defence.
Legislation requires a Hazard Analysis and Control of Critical Control Points. If you are starting on this journey focus on your goal not the peripherals. Fine decide on some pre-requisites but don't make it a job and a half.

I can maybe understand the point about legislative due diligence (in UK anyway) but not sure that Codex, BRC, ISO 22000, et al would agree with the above in respect to the significance of prerequisites in the practical implementation of HACCP.

It’s true that one would expect that a “good” food production company would hv a properly established set of prerequisites (eg be satisfactorily following GMP) prior to getting involved with HACCP but it is my experience that the introduction of HACCP often illuminates substantial deficiencies in the existing GMP functions. Hence the subsequent time factor.

As a comment from the “certified auditor’s handbook” (Surasak) –

prerequisites_1.jpg   87.65KB   72 downloads
prerequisites_2.jpg   38.85KB   57 downloads

Nonetheless, I do agree with you that it may also be advantageous to push asap into the HACCP structure so as to emphasise any related prerequisite deficiencies. Perhaps a parallel evaluation .

Rgds / Charles.C

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