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Animal Feed Generic HACCP plan

Started by , May 02 2009 07:04 AM
10 Replies
I would like to ask you if you could share any piece of information regarding animal feed HACCP plan.
I have searched over the internet for animal feed production and distribution hazards, but i have not found anything that could really help me understand which are the most serious hazards.
My idea was about aflatoxins and chemical residues but i couldnt cross check it!!

Any help would be appriciated!!

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please see the links



edited: please see the revised link

Dear Vassilis,

Will probably depend on the specific item if you are looking for a plan, eg I guess you’ve seen this already for maize animal feed (example 2)? –


The Dutch hv developed a general HACCP approach / manual which groups / summarises the typical hazards but no specific prioritisation plans given –

animal_feed_haccp_manual_2006.PDF   825.94KB   544 downloads

added - the link below is older version of above and contains more info. on actual application -

dutch_haccp_animal_feed__manual___older_version.pdf   1.59MB   295 downloads

Codex hv also presented a general Code of Practice but not much specific data

codex_good_animal_feeding___CXP_054e.pdf   51.51KB   245 downloads

Maybe you need to be a little more specific. Or maybe someone here luckily knows a source for a set of product plans.


@Biss, yr 2nd link wouldn't work for me ?
1 Thank
Thanks a lot both of you!!I dont have any specific information regrading the company which has been asked to import haccp to animal feed production!!

By the time will see what exactly is all about i will share all information given!!
Hi charles,

Sorry for wrong link

see the link - for the code of practice for Good Animal Feeding


Maybe this will help you:http://www.pdv.nl/english/kwaliteit/

This is the internetsite of the Dutch Product Board Animal Feed (PDV) Risk analysis and risks are well described and also in english. Good luck.:)
you might want to check www.PDV.nl
greetz Titus
Dear Titus,

Thks yr link although i think is identical to previous post ?

The sample risk analyses offered on the site are certainly interesting however they do not seem to contain any explanation as to the reason for the actual likelihood / severity numbers which are given in the tables.
eg for herbs pg 9/12

why is the seriousness for dioxins 3 but polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 2 ? (I guess the net result is not too important since the only CCP is pesticides ) !

I quite like the Dutch HACCP risk structure but it seems to have a very limited user base globally (?). I am also not entirely clear how it matches the other GFSI "equivalently" rated standards like BRC in respect to the HACCP content.

Rgds / Charles.C

BTW - Welcome to the forum !

@ Sunflower - many thks for yr help also !

Been working for a client-company who is exporting molasses as feed material.
Agree with you: tough to get material about feed safety/ haccp plan for animal sector.

Try the GMP+ International website.

They have replaced the PDV for feed safety assurance schemes.

1 Thank

if you have a specific HACCP Plan for animal feed plant (i.e. sample of ccp plan). Could you share it.

Dear Vassilis,

Will probably depend on the specific item if you are looking for a plan, eg I guess you’ve seen this already for maize animal feed (example 2)? –


The Dutch hv developed a general HACCP approach / manual which groups / summarises the typical hazards but no specific prioritisation plans given –


added - the link below is older version of above and contains more info. on actual application -


Codex hv also presented a general Code of Practice but not much specific data


Maybe you need to be a little more specific. Or maybe someone here luckily knows a source for a set of product plans.


@Biss, yr 2nd link wouldn't work for me ?


Dear Sir

Will you guide me for FAMI QS V6 ,its  manual example and SOPs references documents and weblink for feed exporters ?





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