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Anyone Completed the NEBOSH Certificate?

Started by , Mar 24 2009 08:17 AM
13 Replies
Just curious has anyone completed the NEBOSH certificate? I'm currently on week 4 of a 13 week course (1 day a week at college) studying for NEBOSH. I think I'm looking for a shoulder to cry on.

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Just curious has anyone completed the NEBOSH certificate? I'm currently on week 4 of a 13 week course (1 day a week at college) studying for NEBOSH. I think I'm looking for a shoulder to cry on.


i've done managing safety which is IOSH so maybe i can help you!

c x
I don't think anyone can help me now Caz, but thanks for offering. I'm there tomorrow, it's risk assessments, so it should be up my street I suppose. If I have any questions or want to run anything by you I wil pop it here.
Well I did the management paper last week. Two hours of furious writing and I finished with 2 minutes to spare. I answered all 11 questions to the best of my ability and the fact I wasn't blank on any question was a good sign. The only question left to answer is - can the examiner read my writing?

The next 7 weeks I will be mostly studying hazards with another written and a practical exam to follow at the end.

Dear Simon,

I hope they "donate" you a standardised risk assessment procedure suitable for BRC etc

Onward and Upward !

Rgds / Charles.C

Dear Simon,

I hope they "donate" you a standardised risk assessment procedure suitable for BRC etc

Onward and Upward !

Rgds / Charles.C

The HSE 5 step method for conducting a risk assessment is

1. Identify the hazard
2. Decide who is at risk
3. Carry out the risk assessment considering existing and any additional control measures
4. Document the significant findings
5. Review the risk assessment

Do I pass?
Dear Simon,

Hmmm. Not bad I guess as an outline. I seem to remember this advisory website. Helpful but limited scope. People falling off ladders and such like.

From memory, I thought that there was a lack of validation. And process examples (not their objective probably).

I suppose from BRC etc point of view, they are one (adequate?) validation.

A full pass requires a "form" perhaps ?

Rgds / Charles.C

Dear Simon,

Hmmm. Not bad I guess as an outline. I seem to remember this advisory website. Helpful but limited scope. People falling off ladders and such like.

From memory, I thought that there was a lack of validation. And process examples (not their objective probably).

I suppose from BRC etc point of view, they are one (adequate?) validation.

A full pass requires a "form" perhaps ?

Rgds / Charles.C

Although the H & S risk assessment may be somewhat limited as compared with say HACCP it UK law does say that it should be suitable and sufficient in relation to the risk. There is actually a requirement under UK H & S Legislation to conduct risk assessments where there are 5 or more employees.

In the case of an injury and a claim by the employee for compensation judge will decide whether the company has done everything reasonably practicable that could be reasonably foreseen by a reasonable man to mitigate the risk of the injury. If you haven't you are negligent. In the UK if an employee is injured at work it is very difficult for the employer to prove that they have done EVERYTHING THEY COULD AND SHOULD and if not then you are negligent, how negligent determines the extent of liability and the size of any civil claim. It makes good business sense to have suitable and sufficient risk assessments. I think we have a lot to learn from Health & Safety - I have already.

HSE 5 steps for risk assessment
is it worth having a H&S forum so that we can discuss risk assessments etc as long as they pertain to food / packaging?
as long as we have a disclaimer saying we are not legally responsible for how the info is used. i'm sure there a few of us technical people out there who have to "embrace" H&S into our roles (because the H&S system is similar to a QMS!!)

c xx
I don't mind making a separate forum for Health & Safety. In fact I would quite enjoy it as it would help with my learning. As is always with these cases it sounds like a good idea in theory, but will it be used in practice?

Tell you what if five people say they would like to see a specific forum for Health & Safety and they would be willing to contribute from time to time I will happlily create it.

I did the second examination today. It was the practical - one more to do.

In today's practical exam we had to go into an engineering workshop at the college which is used to train apprentices. There were no appprentices there just lots of machines and equipment such as lathes and drills, saws, welding bays etc. The tutors had arranged a multitude of hazards relating to fire safety, electrical safety, machine safety, chemical safety, manual handling etc. We had 45 minutes to identify as many hazards as possible on checklists detailing the hazards and short and long term corrective actions. I got about 25. The next step was to write a report (in 1 hour) to management on the findings with introduction, summary, findings and conclusion. We had to put in report the main hazards, the regulations that were being contravened, the effects of the hazards if left unattended, the consequences in term of injury, criminal prosecution and civil claims and also the corrective action and costs etc.

I managed to complete both parts ok with seconds to spare. My report was 9 pages of A4. The content was ok but my biggest issue is my writing, there's not a hope in hell they will be able to read it. I couldn't. So much for several years on a computer.

Last exam is next Friday. I'll let you know how I get on.


I did the second examination today. It was the practical - one more to do.

In today's practical exam we had to go into an engineering workshop at the college which is used to train apprentices. There were no appprentices there just lots of machines and equipment such as lathes and drills, saws, welding bays etc. The tutors had arranged a multitude of hazards relating to fire safety, electrical safety, machine safety, chemical safety, manual handling etc. We had 45 minutes to identify as many hazards as possible on checklists detailing the hazards and short and long term corrective actions. I got about 25. The next step was to write a report (in 1 hour) to management on the findings with introduction, summary, findings and conclusion. We had to put in report the main hazards, the regulations that were being contravened, the effects of the hazards if left unattended, the consequences in term of injury, criminal prosecution and civil claims and also the corrective action and costs etc.

I managed to complete both parts ok with seconds to spare. My report was 9 pages of A4. The content was ok but my biggest issue is my writing, there's not a hope in hell they will be able to read it. I couldn't. So much for several years on a computer.

Last exam is next Friday. I'll let you know how I get on.


I got 75% in the practical, so quite pleased with that. My last exam of the health and safety course is this afternoon 'hazards theory' paper and the course ends today also. After 13 weeks it will be a relief to have more time to concentrate on other things...like this place.

If anyone does NEBOSH or similar Health & safety course in the future and wants to kick around ideas I'm available and relatively competent.

I´m interested in the Health and Safety forum!!
Since we´re a small company, QA/QC is also very much involved in Health and Safety. Part of our inspections deal with H&S and our department coordinates in house training for H&S topics.
Just 3 more to go!!
I got the results through for the management paper and was delighted to get 77%. It made my weekend. I'm only telling everyone because I'm so happy. I have to wait until August for the final result which is the hazards theory paper. I need to get 45% to pass and 58% to get a distinction overall. Fingers crossed.

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