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Researching routine inspection in food facility or food establishment

Started by , Feb 07 2009 06:59 PM
4 Replies
Dear all:
Actually I am collecting some details about routine inspections on the food facility or food establishment like restaurants, to make them as a project.
the project will concentrate on the obstructions in the field, the difficulties and/or how to solve these problems(obstruction) that will be prevent the food inspector to do his job in the facility.

Hoping anyone can help me ???

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Can anyone help Monzer?
This is gonna sound pretty disgusting and grim, but the truth is, food inspectors, at least in my country, sometimes have to deal with death threats. I had a friend who worked at a meat packing plant about 15 years ago. He was in charge of checking the slaughtered pigs to see if they had any disease, in order to reject them. Well, it turns out that after rejecting a whole batch of sick pigs, he received death threats from the pig farmer. He quit and God only knows what else went into those sausages!
I can´t say that the situation has changed much, especially at the public slaughterhouses.

This is gonna sound pretty disgusting and grim, but the truth is, food inspectors, at least in my country, sometimes have to deal with death threats. I had a friend who worked at a meat packing plant about 15 years ago. He was in charge of checking the slaughtered pigs to see if they had any disease, in order to reject them. Well, it turns out that after rejecting a whole batch of sick pigs, he received death threats from the pig farmer. He quit and God only knows what else went into those sausages!
I can´t say that the situation has changed much, especially at the public slaughterhouses.

It is truly amazing what ignorant people are willing to risk for the sake of money. A frightening state of affairs. Looks like there is a long way to go in your country, as there is in most countries. I suppose it makes what we are doing here every day on the forum just that litle bit more worthwhile.

Dear Monzer,

The process of inspection is different in different countries. This purely depends on the strenghth of the law and support of the authorities. In UAE the law is common to all but effect is different in different states, we call it emirates. Again the effect will depends on the economy and culture of the country. In my view many of the countries should have a protocol in order to carry out the inspections, clearely stating the roles and responsibilities of the inspectors.

But the reality is public is not aware of the law and penalies implicated to the violations

i will write more ........

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