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Microbial Standards for Beef Bone Extract

Started by , Nov 19 2008 01:03 PM
8 Replies
Dear Forum,

Our company is in the middle of developing the Beef Bone Extract Powder. The Brief description of the process is: we are cooking the bone to extract the marrowy part from the beef bone, and then we dry it (the marrow paste), so we can get a beef bone extract powder.

We found difficulties in setting the maximum microbial standard for the product, do you have a microbial standard for that kind of product, or similar with that (meat extraction)?. We're also lookin the microbial standard for the beef bone (raw material), so we can set a proper acceptance criteria. Highly appreciate for your kind attention.


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Dear Arya,

Definitely one of the more unusual* topic starters I've seen here.
(* I originally had the word "weirdest" but a little reflection proved there are so many equally or more strange food products around (to me anyway). By-products often also make a crucial contribution to the bottom line of course. I can still remember a tuna processor proudly showing me how his net profits came from the petfood business.)

Here is one specification for the chicken analog product -


Not exactly startling numbers but logical I guess

Rgds / Charles.C
If you are drying the product out wouldn't the water activity and moisture content be more relevant?
Dear Arya,

What are the microbial tests you carry out for your product other than TPC, Y & M, S. Aureus and Coliforms & Salmonella? Do you assess the spore count? I believe the application of this product is for consumption and not for the culture media (excuse me if I have got it wrong). What are the additives used in your processing? IMO, the standard limit for your final product should be more or less similar as for spices 1x106 for TPC, max. 1x103 for Coliforms, negative for E. coli and Salmonella, and 1x104 for Y & M. The microbial criteria for our raw beef (with or without bones) should be APC - 106 cfu/g, Salmonella – Negative. I am interested to know about the protein %, aw and salt% in beef bone powder.
Dear All,

Thank you for the feedback. Wheew.. The searching of the reference is much harder than I thought. After spending of 8 hours in front of IT, I only managed to find few links that similar with my problem. Here is one of them that I think quite valuable to be shared:


As for the standard (given by us to the costumer) is:
Water content: max. 6.0%
pH (1% solution): 5.0 - 6.0
Salt content: 10 - 16%
Microbial std:
TPC: max. 1 x 104
coliform: max. 1 x 102
Yeast: max. 1 x 102
Mold: max. 1 x 102
E.coli: Neg
Salmonella: Neg
As for the protein and Aw, we're still testing for it. I'll contact you if there's any further info regarding that. One more thing, the fat content from previous trials is about 15 - 24%.

Our costumer demanding a lower standard for the TPC. They would expecting numbers: max. 1 x 103, which IMO its very hard to reached. And yes, its for consumption needs, not for microbial assay. The similar products from China are also givin numbers: max. 1 x 104. I dont know what kind of standard that they used, any helps?

BTW J, do you mind to tell me from what kind of reference is your standard?


ear All,

Thank you for the feedback. Wheew.. The searching of the reference is much harder than I thought. After spending of 8 hours in front of IT, I only managed to find few links that similar with my problem. Here is one of them that I think quite valuable to be shared:


As for the standard (given by us to the costumer) is:
Water content: max. 6.0%
pH (1% solution): 5.0 - 6.0
Salt content: 10 - 16%
Microbial std:
TPC: max. 1 x 104
coliform: max. 1 x 102
Yeast: max. 1 x 102
Mold: max. 1 x 102
E.coli: Neg
Salmonella: Neg
As for the protein and Aw, we're still testing for it. I'll contact you if there's any further info regarding that. One more thing, the fat content from previous trials is about 15 - 24%.

Our costumer demanding a lower standard for the TPC. They would expecting numbers: max. 1 x 103, which IMO its very hard to reached. And yes, its for consumption needs, not for microbial assay. The similar products from China are also givin numbers: max. 1 x 104. I dont know what kind of standard that they used, any helps?

BTW J, do you mind to tell me from what kind of reference is your standard?


Hi Arya,

I would like to know if ionizing radiation can be used on beef bone extract for reducing the micro counts. Irradiation can be used in combination with other preservation process like heat treatments, MAP etc. The treatment depends on the sensitivity of the microorganisms, pH, food type etc.

The microbial standard which I had posted for the raw meat (TPC- 106) was as per Gulf standards.
As per FDA regulations dry spices/ seasonings can be irradiated for microbial disinfection with a dose of 30kilograys max.
Dear J,

Thank you very much for your kind reply. Actually we already irradiate the powder, but for the other customers. Unfortunately... the costumer that I am talkin about is refusing the irradiation. The best thing I can do now is tightening the GMP and RM Acceptance. But unfortunately (again) I still didnt get the micro standard for Beef Bone:(

Do you mind to share your reference doc about Gulf Standard? Coz I am not so familiar with it.



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