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FSMA 204 Framework: Building Blocks for Food Safety and Compliance

in Commercial Webinars
Added by Simon, 28 May 2024

Taking place 28 Jun 2024 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM (Single Day Event)


Webinar Description

This webinar offers a detailed framework for understanding and applying FSMA 204, crucial for food manufacturers, distributors, and service providers, particularly those without exemptions. As the compliance deadline of January 2026 approaches, this session will provide essential insights into the foundational elements necessary for adhering to these new regulations. Attendees will gain a clear understanding of how to effectively integrate traceability systems, manage data sharing with partners, and navigate the complexities of FSMA 204 to ensure both safety and compliance. The webinar will serve as a comprehensive guide, equipping stakeholders with the tools and knowledge needed to excel in the evolving landscape of food safety regulations.

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Webinar Presenter

Speaker Bio:
Gerald Galloway is a Co-Founder, President, and CEO of FoodReady. He has focused on software, wireless technology, and data interoperability for the last 20 years of his career including helping facilitate the build-out of traceability systems used to run recalls, inventory management systems, interoperable public safety wireless and data-sharing networks, and interoperable health information data exchanges. Prior to FoodReady, Mr. Galloway worked as a consultant, optimizing supply chains for the world's largest food, beverage, and pharmaceutical companies. He also worked in healthcare technology for ten years, building health information exchanges used to interface thousands of physicians with the country's largest hospitals and laboratories and helping insurance companies improve data-sharing and data interoperability among electronic record health systems.
Speaker Photo
Gerry Galloway

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