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Events for May 12, 2023

in Food Safety Fridays Webinars

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----- Petfood Safety Management Systems – Not the Same as Human Food!
By Simon
12 May 2023 03:00 PM - IFSQN.


Webinar Description

Recent petfood safety incidents, causing harm to both animals and humans, have been associated with manufacturers who were certified to various Food Safety Management Systems. Often, petfood manufacturers apply risk-based thinking methodologies adapted from human food management systems. In order to ensure effectiveness, it is important to map and understand the uniqueness of petfood and its specific challenges. These issues will be presented in this webinar, which is highly recommended for players in the petfood supply chain, including auditors. Human food safety enthusiasts might also benefit from participating in this webinar.

Cost of Attendance: $Free

Webinar Presenter

Speaker Bio:
David Rosenblatt, D.V.M. has close to 30 years of experience in food safety management and public health. He worked as Food Quality and Safety Manager at Unilever for nine years and spent four years as Senior Food Safety Auditor at lead trainer the Standards Institution of Israel. Since 2006 he has been Director of Learning at Sher Consulting and Training. He also has extensive experience in petfood safety management systems. David teaches food safety at the Hebrew University School of Veterinary Medicine, and regularly teaches the food safety teams of multinational players such as Nestle, Coca Cola, Unilever, Dominos Pizza and more.
Speaker Photo
David Rosenblatt
Sher Consulting & Training

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May 2023