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Events for June 10, 2022

in Food Safety Fridays Webinars

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----- How to Optimise the Expenses of the Food Safety System
By Simon
10 Jun 2022 03:00 PM - IFSQN.


Webinar Description

The situation with the epidemic showed the shortcomings of the food supply system, as well as the shortcomings of its own food safety systems. Due to these shortcomings, we had more or less additional costs that we did not plan. In this webinar, we will discuss the optimization of costs associated with the food safety system and show examples of rapid implementation in your food production.

Cost of Attendance: $Free

Webinar Presenter

Speaker Bio:
Food Safety expert with more than 10 years in food safety topics and implementation, training and auditing business. Food safety standards are my focus, still strongly included in standards for quality, environmental protection and health and safety. Currently on position of project manager for certification body of Quality Austria were i am also accredited auditor and trainer with more than 500 audits performed in different industries and more than 1000 persons trained. I have a vision of finding a new ways to analyse risks in food safety and defining of methods that will be used in industries cross the world. My strategy is to develop and research new topics in food safety, presenting them through the webinars, training, forums, blogging and publications.
Speaker Photo
Vladimir Surčinski

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Food Safety Fridays is the FREE educational webinar program brought to you by IFSQN.


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June 2022