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Manufacturing Halal and Non-Halal in the same premises.

Posted by Zeeshan, 17 January 2012 · 8,431 views

The company I work for is looking at supplying a meat product to Dubai.
Can we be Halal certified even if we have pork on site? We produce pork sausage rolls but not every day.
So, does pork have to be restricted o or could we make the product for Dubai on different days then when we are making pork sausage rolls?
We are bakery the produces frozen products to be prooven and baked by Customer.

Dear Paula,
Do you produce your pork and non pork products in the same area/factory (eventhough not in the same day)?
If your answer is yes, you need to make segregation so there won't be any cross contamination from your pork
products and its derivatives to your non pork products.
And you mustn't use equipment that produce pork products for make non pork products.


Just want to add some comments to Hadi's valuable inputs. Manufacturing of halal and non halal products should be executed in totally separated environment. This includes all manufacturing steps including material receiving, handling, storage, food preparation, inspection, packaging, labeling, warehousing and delivery.
Always keep in mind that manufacturing halal and non-halal products in the same factrory/area is the most critical concern of halal cerfidication.
The second main concern is assuring the auditor that all the raw materials and ingredients used in products are halal. This demands presentation of halal certificates or declaration from the supplier of mushbooh (suspected or concerned material) items such as meat, food chemicals such as flavors, essence etc.

M.Zeeshan Zaki

Source: HALAL Certified

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We are Halal certified and also produce pork. We store our halal beef ina seperate area in the freezer and have a segreagated area inside our raw cooler for halal meats. For production we segregate with order of operations. Halal product is produced first and cooked first in our smokehouses. In our chill cooler we have a physical barrier to segregate the Halal meat. Halal meat is sliced and packaged at the beginning of the shift.
We use the same equipment, but have validated cleaning procedures that we follow to ensure there is no potential for cross contamination. Esentially, we treat it the same way as we would an allergen.

I hope this may be of some help!


IMO, using the same equipment should be assessed once again. If you can use separate dedicated equipment, it would be best. If not possible or not feasible, then a special through cleaning process (Ritual Cleansing) should be practiced.

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