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The most ‘Out of Date’ food product you ate and survived?

Posted by Simon, in Food Safety 11 December 2014 · 8,394 views

out of date expired food products
The most ‘Out of Date’ food product you ate and survived?

A lot of discussion in the press this week about ‘food waste’ and the fact that unrealistically short ‘Best Before’ dates are used on products to frighten consumers into throwing things away that are perfectly safe and edible. You can understand food producers who want to cover their backsides and also make sure that you don’t have their product hanging around in the back of your pantry for year’s…they want you to buy another one.


Anyway for a bit of pre-Christmas fun tell us about The most ‘Out of Date’ food product you ate and survived.


Mine was at a BBQ a couple of years back…I was offered a large sausage on a soft roll. It was an offer too good to refuse, I could have had ketchup, but I asked for mustard. The host disappeared for a few minutes and returned with a jar of Colemans Old English Mustard (see pic).


I liberally applied the mustard and devoured the sausage butty, thoroughly enjoyable. Later I found the mustard was FIVE YEARS out of date. Well I survived with no ill effects.


As it’s the festive season I will send an IFSQN pen to the members with the best stories. :santa:




At the International Food Safety & Quality Network we couldn't possibly advocate playing Russian roulette with your food…unless of course you wanted to. And who are we to dictate what you can and cannot do...we are not fascists.

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Hi Slab, I worked out bean and frank (I'm sure they last a lifetime), but what is MRE?


Seemed ok for Stanley.


We make the gum that goes in the MREs (military lingo for Meal Ready to Eat), that was one the old samples from the late 70's that I chewed.

I'm not sure why my mother insist on always giving me stuff when I leave her house as if she thinks I'm not eating enough. She just fills a bag of goodies and sends me off.


I had made a joke to my friend and said she's just giving me all the expired stuff from her pantry she doesn't want. My friend laughed and said yeah look these bag of chips are 3 years old.


WHHHHHAAAAAAT!?!?!?!?! How long has this ben going on?

Simon, everything is ok when it's Hollywood! 

MRE = Meals Ready To Eat (or not so much).

Going to test myself this Christmas with some 'old' port and 'old' cheese


If a jar or can is unopened then I wouldn't worry what date it had on it.

I agree with Setanta! Sometimes its too late when I learn that the ketchup I use expired 6 months ago!! And yes,  the salad dressings and mayonnaise too..Will buy a couple more when you find good deals and end up eating expired products!!

MRE's aren't so bad. Some of them are delicious.


I actually got sick in boot camp just before pass in review.  In the navy it's a marching parade thing to a certain song for boot camp graduation... blah blah blah.


But what happened was I pointed at the thing I wanted to eat which wasn't the chicken and they gave me the chicken.  I never liked Navy chicken and I should have gone with my gut and got a salad...  I started eating it and it was completely red inside... bloody like a good steak.


During pass and review practice I was in formation when I passed out... it was kinda weird I closed my eyes and I felt myself hopping around some and then I woke up on the floor.  That was the worst food poisoning I've ever had.  I also got to sit out of PIR because I was still pretty weak when it happened the next week.

I've got staples like sugar, dry beans, and rice that are older than some of my kids (and the oldest is 14)

I've definitely eaten day old pizza that's been left out overnight. Anyone gone longer than a day? :)

I just finished off a bag of flour I had that was at least 2 years old for making cookies.  They were delish!  And a certain company I may or may not have worked for was using butterscotch bits that were 5 years out of code...  The production group said they always taste them before they use them so it's all good (this was a common practice before I started, and I swiftly put a stop to). Ugh.  I did however taste them and sure enough, they tasted just fine.

I just finished off a bag of flour I had that was at least 2 years old for making cookies.  They were delish!  And a certain company I may or may not have worked for was using butterscotch bits that were 5 years out of code...  The production group said they always taste them before they use them so it's all good (this was a common practice before I started, and I swiftly put a stop to). Ugh.  I did however taste them and sure enough, they tasted just fine.

ooohhhh....butterscotch bits.....nummy...

Hi- My Daughter always bakes us Christmas mince pies each year and last week we received the first batch. Well we told her that these were the best ever – the pastry just melted and the mince was divine. She later (after a couple of sherries) told us that she found the jar of mincemeat at the back of the cupboard – checked the “Best by” date and it was May 2014. When her husband came home and was helping clear the kitchen (he’s in touch with his feminine side!) he noticed the date on the jar – Best by May 2004!! – she hadn’t been wearing her reading glasses! However they tested the finished pies and as they didn’t keel over they distributed to friends and family who all agreed they were the best mince pies ever! Moral – if it ain’t green and smells ok it probably isn’t going to kill you!!

Hi- My Daughter always bakes us Christmas mince pies each year and last week we received the first batch. Well we told her that these were the best ever – the pastry just melted and the mince was divine. She later (after a couple of sherries) told us that she found the jar of mincemeat at the back of the cupboard – checked the “Best by” date and it was May 2014. When her husband came home and was helping clear the kitchen (he’s in touch with his feminine side!) he noticed the date on the jar – Best by May 2004!! – she hadn’t been wearing her reading glasses! However they tested the finished pies and as they didn’t keel over they distributed to friends and family who all agreed they were the best mince pies ever! Moral – if it ain’t green and smells ok it probably isn’t going to kill you!!



This reminds me of a friend that I once took to our works xmas meal, which we always had last Saturday in November.


Nobody on the table was eating the mince pies, so she collected them all in a napkin and put them in her handbag, because she liked mince pies!


She remembered they were there in June the following year!! I merely looked over the top of my glasses at her as she proceeded to extract them from the lining of the bag. Words had failed me!


The same said person also returned a Magnum ice cream to the shop as she thought a seal had broken during manufacturing as there were black bits in her lolly. I didn't have the heart to tell her that they were vanilla seeds.


And before you ask, yes she works as a quality auditor!!!


To quote Will Smith, Oh HELL no!



Caz,.......oh myyyy!

As I only have 5 pens and seeing as it's Christmas I'll tell you what I'm going to do.  I'm going to order some new pens (a big batch of them) and when they arrive I'm going to send one to each and every one of you who replied to the blog up to this point one.  Don't expect them in time to write your Xmas cards as it will take a while.


Shoot me an email with your delivery address (if you don't I'm not chasing).




Replace with @

After I turned 21, my mom and I were cleaning out our liqueur cabinet and we found what she thought was homemade apricot brandy that she made the year before. After takin a taste, we discovered it was homemade Kahlua that my grandma made before she passed away... She passed away in 1998 and this was in 2008. 10 years later, it still wast half bad!

As I only have 5 pens and seeing as it's Christmas I'll tell you what I'm going to do.  I'm going to order some new pens (a big batch of them) and when they arrive I'm going to send one to each and every one of you who replied to the blog up to this point one.  Don't expect them in time to write your Xmas cards as it will take a while.


Shoot me an email with your delivery address (if you don't I'm not chasing).




Replace with @

Goody....Goody!!  Thank you Simon!