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Food Safety Live 2014 – September 09, FREE Registration!

Posted by Simon, in Webinars & Training 29 July 2014 · 3,363 views

food safety live
Food Safety Live 2014 is the world’s first online food safety learning and networking conference for food safety professionals.

Taking place on September 09, this FREE REGISTRATION conference consists of 12 hours of back to back presentations on the industries hottest trends from leading industry experts.

The conference is limited to the first 1,000 registrations, so don't miss your chance to secure your place at this must attend event.

Program >>
Speakers >>
FREE Registration >>

There is an IFSQN forum for your questions related to the Food Safety Live 2014 conference. In addition we have created a forum topic for each webinar for any pre or post conference questions you may have.

FSL14 Networking >>

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For those who cannot watch any or some of the live webinars please still do register and you will be able to access the webinar recordings post event.

Hi there im contacting  you from South Africa, we run a canning factory and we a looking for some information an sources for heat penetration testing we are looking to buy the equipment rather then send our samples for testing as we currently have our own in house laboratory , can you help? 

Hi Roopal, you need to start a new topic in our "food technology" forum.


