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IFSQN.com Website Statistics - Comparison 2011 V’s 2012

Posted by Simon, in Website Updates 02 January 2013 · 2,642 views

Attached is an updated website Google Analytics Report for comparing 2011 with 2012.


it shows a year on year improvement of around 10% in the number of visitors to the IFSQN.com website.


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Congrats on the improved numbers for 2012Posted Image

Rich W.
Chicago, IL
I'd be interested to see a country-by-country breakdown in the new members; retailer uptake of 3rd party auditing systems likely contributes quite a bit.
Thanks Rich.

Tadelong here are our top 5 most visiting countries during 2012.

1. United States 132,334
2. United Kingdom 71,917
3. India 34,933
4. Canada 28,600
5. Australia 18,953

It's the same sort of picture for new member registrations.
