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Today's Live Webinar - Foreign Supplier Verification Program for Food Importers

Posted by Simon, in Webinars & Training 18 February 2016 · 1,913 views

Today's Live Webinar - Foreign Supplier Verification Program for Food Importers

Taking place:
Friday, 19 February 2016 - 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM UK Time
This is a 10.00 AM Eastern US Start


Cornelius Hugo, Global Innovation Manager, AIB International


Webinar Overview:
Understand the requirements for importers and exporters and plan your steps to assure timely compliance with the new food import requirements. FDA’s rule on Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVPs) for Importers of Food was finalized in November 2015 and compliance dates for some businesses begin in May 2017. The rule requires that importers perform certain risk-based activities to verify that food imported into the US has been produced in a way that meets US safety standards. Learn about FSVP objectives and requirements, consequences of failing to comply, and challenges for meeting this new rule during this fast-paced webinar.


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