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IFSQN Official Blog

Why won’t they wear their hairnets properly?

Posted by Simon, in Food Safety 10 October 2013 - · 13,906 views

Because it’s complicated.

Well we could stop there, but let’s try and take a serious look.

In management circles “Culture” is an often mentioned word, but it’s not easy to put a finger on what exactly it is. As an auditor I can walk into a factory and determine within a few short minutes whether it has a good, bad or an ugly culture? You can see it, hea...

IFSQN Launch FSSC 22000 Food Safety Management System Specifically for Packaging Manufacturers

Posted by Simon, in Products & Services 05 September 2013 - · 3,857 views

Our premiere documentation, project implementation and training support package for Packaging Manufacturers looking to achieve certification to FSSC 22000. Package includes:
ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System Documents
Prerequisite Programmes Manual
Operational Prerequisite Programmes Templates
HACCP Manual
ISO 22000 & Prerequisite Training...

Keyword Rental: The IFSQN Launches New Advertising Program

Posted by Simon, in Products & Services 28 July 2013 - · 3,333 views

Our new and innovative advertising program keyword rental generates a pop-up message linked to keyword packs. It's a fantastically simple and effective method of getting your message in front of the IFSQN community. Read more or contact us to discuss. Regards,

New look for the IFSQN forums

Posted by Simon, in Website Updates 28 June 2013 - · 3,603 views

You will notice the forums have a new look; hopefully it doesn’t cause you any issues navigating around and finding what you need. It’s been a long time coming and is the first step of a larger project to integrate all of the website and forums into one seamless community. Please feel free to provide feedback on the design. There are bound...

Food Safety Live 2013 – ONLINE TODAY!

Posted by Simon, in Webinars & Training 24 June 2013 - · 3,566 views

Food Safety Live 2013 taking place Today 9.00 a.m. BST - 11.00 p.m. BST.

Take your opportunity to ask the experts by posting your pre and post conference questions in the: Food Safety Live 2013 Networking forum >>

Forums Update: “Best Answer” Feature

Posted by Simon, in Website Updates 11 June 2013 - · 4,273 views

Fundamentally the IFSQN is about members asking and answering questions. These forums generate a lot of topics with many replies and it can often be confusing for other readers to know which reply definitively answered the original question.  To aid this we have added a brand new 'best answer' feature. This enables the topic starter, moderators and...

Food Safety Live 2013 - June 26, FREE Registration!

Posted by Simon, in Webinars & Training 14 May 2013 - · 2,263 views

Food Safety Live 2013 is the world’s first online food safety learning and networking conference for food safety professionals.

Taking place on June 26, this FREE REGISTRATION conference consists of 14 hours of back to back presentations on the industries hottest trends from leading industry experts.

As founder of the International Food Safety...

Poll to choose the winner of the IFSQN t-shirt contest

Posted by Simon, in Competitions 06 April 2013 - · 7,275 views

We gave away 100 t-shirts to celebrate IFSQN's 10 year's online and then asked the lucky t-shirt holders to enter a contest by posting a photo of themselves wearing the IFSQN t-shirt in the most unique, interesting, funny, clever or unusual place. Now it's up to you the IFSQN members to select a winner. Check out all of the photo entries in the t-s...

Are you interested in contributing to the IFSQN website?

Posted by Simon, in Website Updates 06 April 2013 - · 1,758 views

 Calling food safety bloggers!  We are in the process of a major redesign of our website which will include featuring blogs and articles prominently on the site home page. If you’re interested in writing for us, we are more than happy to hear from you! We do not pay our writers, but we do offer you an author image/logo, contact details, links...

IFSQN.com Website Statistics - Comparison 2011 V’s 2012

Posted by Simon, in Website Updates 02 January 2013 - · 2,630 views

Attached is an updated website Google Analytics Report for comparing 2011 with 2012. it shows a year on year improvement of around 10% in the number of visitors to the IFSQN.com website. Feel free to comment. Regards,