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IFSQN Official Blog

Top 5 HACCP non-conformities – and how to fix them

Posted by Simon, in Food Safety 16 January 2020 - · 12,116 views

Top 5 HACCP non-conformities – and how to fix them Why is the HACCP plan the food safety system for excellence?  For at least 50 years, HACCP has been the main protocol proven to adequately manage and understand food safety. When a recall or an intoxication happens, most of the times the root cause analysis was due to poor prerequisites implementation, rather than to an inadequate HACCP design. ...

Merry Christmas from IFSQN

Posted by Simon, in Website Updates 23 December 2019 - · 5,486 views

Merry Christmas from IFSQN A warm hello to all members of the IFSQN community wherever you are in the world. Once again, I’m dressed in my Santa outfit and that can only mean one thing IT’S CHRISTMAS!!! Today we’ll be winding down for a much-needed rest and to celebrate with friends and family. Of course, the forums will still be open, but it may be a little quieter than usual...

A recent case of deadly Listeria outbreak in Spain

Posted by Simon, in Food Safety 25 November 2019 - · 6,372 views
listeria monocytogenes
A recent case of deadly Listeria outbreak in Spain For those of you who do not live in Spain here is the background. In August this year, Spain had a Listeria monocytogenes recall in thermal treated pork meat. This outbreak resulted in at least 3 pregnant women had to abort, at least two elderly people died, and more than 250 people were hospitalized. The product that they had consumed was a refrigerated...

The double food safety standard in organic food production

Posted by Simon, in Food Safety 16 September 2019 - · 5,842 views
organic food, organic food safety
The double food safety standard in organic food production Most people would agree that electric cars are more environmentally-friendly than normal cars, but what if suddenly the traffic-lights didn’t apply for electric cars and they didn’t have to stop when the light turns red? Would people be comfortable driving in the traffic then? As a food safety auditor with more than 20 years in the industry, this is...

5 Reasons Why Your Customer Complaint Program May Not be Working for You

Posted by Simon, in Food Safety 12 September 2019 - · 7,176 views
Customer complaints, complaint
5 Reasons Why Your Customer Complaint Program May Not be Working for You Why are customer complaint programs so essential in today’s food industry? While it is always better to catch and prevent hazards in-house than to deal with customer backlash later (or even find yourself sorting out a recall), most food professionals find that complaints are unavoidable. Whether your “customer” is the actual consumer or a client company,...

Top 5 Things for a Successful Audit by a Food Safety Auditor

Posted by Simon, in Food Safety 25 July 2019 - · 7,035 views
food safety, audit
Top 5 Things for a Successful Audit by a Food Safety Auditor I work as a food safety auditor since more than 20 years. I started my career in Latin-America, and for the last 10 years I work in Europe. I have a scientific background with a PhD in Chemistry and over the years I worked with most standards and categories in the food industry. As a reader of IFSQN you are probably an auditee which means that you are on...

Friday's Webinar Training: Nurturing a Behavioral Based Food Safety Culture

Posted by Simon, in Webinars & Training 24 July 2019 - · 8,121 views

Taking place:  
26 Jul 2019 - 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (UK Time Zone), 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern 
Over and over again out industry faces food safety incidents that, in hindsight, were 100% preventable. This occurs in organizations certified to high level standards which include an in-depth HACCP program. 
Root cause analysis most often uncovers...

The Most Important Food Safety Document

Posted by Simon, in Food Safety 11 July 2019 - · 11,385 views
Food Safety Plan, FSP, FSMA and 1 more...
The Most Important Food Safety Document As a consultant, I am often asked “what is the most important document I need to have?” Some will say “they are all important”, some will say “HACCP, is the most important”. I could argue that the Food Safety Plan (FSP) is now your most important document for any Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) certification. The FSP or in some cases “The Human Rule”...

Traceability: What’s Now, What’s Next, and What You Need to Know

Posted by Simon, in Food Safety 30 June 2019 - · 7,173 views
Traceability: What’s Now, What’s Next, and What You Need to Know As countries all over the world are pushing for stricter regulations on food products and food systems are becoming increasingly globalized, a noticeable trend has come to the forefront of new criteria for auditing. As many in the industry have noticed, food safety auditors are asking facilities to perform progressively more demanding traceability drills....


Free Food Safety Training Videos

Posted by Simon, in Webinars & Training 14 March 2019 - · 114,861 views
free food safety videos
IFSQN hold regular free webinar training sessions on a wide variety of food safety topics.  For your convenience we’ve compiled the video recordings into a handy Excel to make it easy for you to find what you need. The videos are free to access 24/7/365 days a year to watch at your leisure and share with your colleagues.  Happy viewing!