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Food Safety Fridays Webinars

Webinar recordings from the Food Safety Fridays Program.

Basic Hygiene Practices for the Catering Industry

This webinar will discuss the basic hygiene practices necessary to manage food safety hazards in the catering industry. The catering industry provides ready-to-eat food to consumers. It is therefore imperative that all necessary measures are taken to e...

Simon | 4,354 Views

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How to Implement a Successful Vision Inspection Program to Prevent Labeling Defects

Incorrect label, damaged package or variable print quality are some of the chief culprits behind product recalls today. With the prevalence of food allergies in the population on the rise, more stringent rules and regulations on labeling and reduced cu...

Simon | 3,343 Views

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The Significance of Food Fraud: A Global Account from an Australian Perspective

International research and initiatives are defining the public health risk of food fraud and identifying methods for control. This webinar will provide an overview of the developing concept of 'food fraud' internationally and provide examples o...

Simon | 3,552 Views

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Food Safety Trainings - Emergency Preparedness and Response

This webinar discusses why and how employees must be sufficiently trained in order to react appropriately in a crisis situation. Every year we suffer from disasters, these disasters have a huge impact, not only on the environment, but also in all the p...

Simon | 4,349 Views

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3 Areas of Focus to Make Food Safety Training Stick

Low tech or high tech, the results are the same: training often doesn’t stick. Any time you have new employees, or new rules or operating procedures to follow, you want training to transfer to the job. You want to see improved work behaviour and habits...

Simon | 5,097 Views

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Effectiveness and Efficiency in Food Safety Management

Effectiveness and Efficiency are two concepts commonly used by continual improvement practitioners to focus their project efforts. In food safety effectiveness may be more important concept because achieving food safety targets is critical to ensure th...

Simon | 3,132 Views

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Dangers of Food-borne Pathogens

This webinar will discuss the hygienic measures necessary to prevent pathogenic microorganisms in food. Pathogens are microorganisms that may cause illness. In most cases, food contaminated with pathogens cannot be detected using the five senses of tas...

Simon | 3,856 Views

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Organic vs. Non-Organic: What’s the Difference?

This webinar will discuss organic and non-organic foods and the differences in food technology, quality and labelling, including:

- The Low-Down on Organic Foods

- Ingredients, contact substances and modification methods

Simon | 5,303 Views

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Comprehensive Risk Evaluation

This session reviews the impact of business risk evaluation on brand risk mitigation. Risk mitigation is not possible if a comprehensive understanding of the companies risk is not recognized. We will examine the abundant naivety within the industry. We...

Simon | 3,168 Views

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Training in the Workplace to Engage and Empower Your Employees

Engaged, enthusiastic and empowered employees are the very core of a company’s success in producing safe, quality food products. Employee engagement typically begins with that initial company orientation which is designed to introduce the new hire to c...

Simon | 5,291 Views

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7 Best Practices to Improve Food Safety Culture

Food safety culture is being called an emerging risk in the food industry. Progress in the food safety arena has traditionally been led by research in the natural sciences – a comfortable field for most food safety and quality assurance professionals –...

Simon | 7,109 Views

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Teaching Techniques to Embed Scientific Principles and Food Safety

To deliver the best and most employable Food Science graduates at Nottingham University we have developed a number of teaching techniques over recent years to embed scientific principles into life-like and relevant contexts aimed to help the students t...

Simon | 3,398 Views

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Development of a Robust Foreign Material Detection and Prevention Program

Customer complaints and product recalls due to contamination from foreign material continue to be a common occurrence. There is no "silver bullet" when it comes to prevention and detection of foreign material. It is important to understand the...

Simon | 3,713 Views

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Traceability of Food in Restaurants and Fast Food

Traceability is the obligation of every food producer. Application of traceability is, depending on the size of the organization, complexity of the production process and product and system preparedness, somewhere simpler and somewhere complicated. Reg...

Simon | 3,578 Views

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Effective Complaint Management

In this webinar we will discuss why complaint management is important in achieving certification to a GFSI benchmarked scheme and how to manage and improve your complaint levels. Complaint levels are a key performance indicator and a reflection of the...

Simon | 4,332 Views

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Regulation of Health Claims on Food in Australia and New Zealand

Do you export food to Australia or New Zealand? The new Australian and New Zealand standard for the sale of food with nutrition and health claims is enforceable from 18 January 2016. It is the first Standard of its kind in the world that permits the se...

Simon | 2,945 Views

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Purchasing – An Integral Part of an Organization’s Processes

In this webinar we will learn how ‘mutually beneficial supplier relationships’ can be fostered to assure food safety. Most organizations need to purchase materials for the smooth functioning of their processes. One of the principles of quality manageme...

Simon | 4,541 Views

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Food Packaging and GFSI Standards - Requirements for Compliance

Food and beverage industry is requiring more and more food and beverage packaging manufacturers to be certified to a GFSI standard. Where some packaging manufacturers struggle to understand the need to be certified to a GFSI standard, especially if the...

Simon | 4,154 Views

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TACCP Principles in Managing Food Safety

In this webinar we will learn about the Threat Analysis and Critical Control Point (TACCP) system. Threat Analysis and Critical Control Point (TACCP) is a management system closely aligned to HACCP to simultaneously manage both unintentional (HACCP) an...

Simon | 8,214 Views

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Food Labeling Regulations

This webinar will provide valuable insight into the complex world of food labeling: including Food Labels, what do they mean?, Stakeholders, General Food Labeling Requirements, International Standard for Food Labeling, Main Risks in Food Labeling, Cont...

Simon | 3,887 Views

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Food Safety from Store to Belly

This webinar discusses topics related to keeping food safe from the view point of the average (non-expert) consumer. When we talk about food safety, the most we meet with processes that are related to food production on the field, throughout the indust...

Simon | 3,007 Views

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Integrating Management Systems Food Safety, Quality and Sustainability

The implementation and maintenance of management systems requires an investment in capacitating personnel, establishing documentation systems and data gathering efforts that can consume some of the resources of a business and make it less attractive to...

Simon | 3,871 Views

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CCPs vs oPRPs: Choosing and Classifying Food Safety Control Measures

In 2005 the ISO 22000 standard for food safety management systems introduced the novel concept of “Operational Pre-requisite Programs”. According to the standard, the oPRPs are to join the CCPs (Critical Control Points) in creating the backbone of the...

Simon | 4,719 Views

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Validation of Food Safety Control Measures

This webinar discusses the importance of validating food safety control measures to ensure food safety management system capability. Validation of food safety control measures is essential to ensure that a food safety management system will be capable...

Simon | 4,566 Views

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GMO & Food Safety

This webinar presents an introduction into Genetically Modified Organisms and Foods; including:

- What are genetically modified (GM) organisms and GM foods?
- Why are GM foods produced?
- Are GM foods assessed differently from trad...

Simon | 3,696 Views

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