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What is Safefood 360?

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George @ Safefood 360°

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Posted 06 May 2011 - 08:16 PM

Welcome fellow IFSQN members and guests welcomeani.gif .

Safefood 360 is food safety management software for food processing/manufacturing plants.

  • It’s perfect for BRC, SQF, IFS & FSSC 22000 certified plants, or those on the path to certification.
  • It’s web-based, secure and fully backed up so requires no IT setup.
  • It’s intuitive, affordable and easy to use.
  • It’s a full solution – HACCP, Management, PRP’s & Documents.
  • It’s always up to date with current legislation and standards.

>> Visit Safefood 360's food safety software website <<

It is developed by experienced food safety managers and food technologists who recognise the need for an application which genuinely addresses the pain points of the industry. For the first time, a food manufacturing plant of any shape or size can have access to a ready-made food safety system in a matter of minutes.This is only the beginning; we need your feedback (good, bad or indifferent!) to help shape and develop Safefood 360 and make it the platform of choice for food safety managers worldwide.

Please register for a free trial account and have a look around our Demo before creating your own plant. It only takes 60 seconds to sign-up.

If you have any questions whatsoever, just open a new topic and we will respond asap.

George @ Safefood 360°

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Posted 06 May 2011 - 08:58 PM

Safefood 360 offers a complete solution. It’s for food technologists, quality managers, supervisors and consultants. If you are responsible for the food safety system in your business then take a look at how Safefood 360 helps you manage everything from complaints to product recalls.

We want your feedback. Feel free to offer any comments, suggestions or questions on any of the modules in Safefood 360.

  • Dashboard
  • HACCP Planning
  • Hazard Database
  • Complaints
  • Corrective action
  • Internal auditing
  • Management review
  • Non-conformances
  • Product recall
  • Quality management
  • Calibration
  • Cleaning
  • Maintenance
  • Code of practice
  • Contamination control
  • Microbiological control
  • Glass &amp; plastic control
  • Medical screening
  • Traceability
  • Supplier control
  • Training
  • Utilities
  • Document control


The main Dashboard is a useful feature to gain a quick and accurate overview of the status of your food safety management system. Each time you login your will be presented with the number of actions due or outstanding in each module and high level trend data on customer complaints and corrective actions.

HACCP Planning

The HACCP planning module is a powerful tool for conducting quick and efficient hazard analysis and CCP identification and planning. Risk assessment is built into the work flow and you can set up your review schedule for each HACCP plan. A built-in flowcharting tool makes creating HACCP flow diagrams quick and easy.

Hazard Database

The entire food safety system is supported by a unique and robust hazard database. All the main known biological, physical, chemical and allergen hazards are present and support specific hazard analysis. The database can be tailored and aligned to your products and processes.


This dedicated module allows all customer complaints to be recorded and tracked. Each complaint is risk assessed and where required corrective action can be generated. This module will automatically trend complaint data.

Corrective Action

Corrective actions generated anywhere in Safefood 360 are managed in a central Corrective Action module. Investigation results are documented after which specific actions, responsibilities and deadlines are defined and actions taken are recorded.

Internal Auditing

This module allows all internal auditing programmes to be specified and recorded. Checklists can be created and both conformances and non-conformances are recorded. Audit results are trended and resulting actions can be managed locally in the module or through the Corrective Actions module. A very simple and flexible auditing tool.

Management Review

This module covers all the various management review activities required in the main global food safety standards including BRC, SQF, IFS and FSSC 22000. Included are high level management reviews and reviews of HACCP, employees, specifications, suppliers, legislation, PRP’s, training and more.


Product, service and material non-conformances can all be managed in this dedicated module. The work flow is robust and drives the user towards compliance requirements including quarantine, decision, re-work, investigation and close out.

Product Recall

Mock and actual recalls can be managed in this module. Based upon all the best international guidelines for crises management the workflow ensures that all critical steps and decisions are taken and recorded. Key aspects including stock register, risk assessment, decision, tasks, communication, reconciliation and close out are all included.

Quality Management

In this module the user can define and track performance against Quality Objectives. Organisational charts can be quickly and professional drafted using the embedded charting tool.


Here the user can set-up all external and internal calibration programmes. When calibrations occur they can be recorded and reports are automatically generated.


Standard and CIP cleaning programmes once set-up can be recorded in this module. The user can define pre and post verification requirements including ATP, chemical and allergen test requirements and record them all in one integrated record. Cleaning efficacy is automatically trended and reports are easily generated.


Safefood 360’s maintenance module is powerful enough to manage even the most demanding maintenance programme. And like all modules in Safefood 360 it is easy to use. Programmes can be established and records entered in seconds. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly schedules can all be managed for items in your operation. Retailer requirements such as release of equipment after maintenance are built in to the module.

Code of Practice

Currently this module has one code of practice – Personal Hygiene. New staff following induction training will sign the record and it will be kept safe with all other records associated with that employee. Other codes of practice will be added to this module over time. If you have ideas on what should be included please let us know.

Contamination Control

This module is the first of its kind. Here the user can record and track the issue of plasters, knives and personal protective clothing. Reconciliation can be conducted at the end of shift. Controls for personal medication and additional jewellery can also be tracked and specific contamination reports can be generated. For those who supply the major retailers this module will be more than useful.

Microbiological Control

Product, material and environmental testing programmes for microbiological hazards can be set-up and recorded in this module. All the major pathogens are already contained in the built-in database so setting up is easy and quick.

Glass & Plastic Control

All glass audits and breakage reports can be managed in this dedicated module. If you have an iPad you can enter data into you audit form on the go. This module makes this activity really easy.

Medical Screening

Employees, Visitors and Contracts can be screened in this special module.


Product and Material traces can be conducted in this module. A schedule can be set-up and a reminder sent to your email when a traceability test is required. All relevant data can be entered into the module and full reconciliation and mass balance is calculated.

Supplier Control

This module has all the requirements to meet global food standards. Supplier risk assessments are conducted quickly against relevant criteria for each supplier type. Following this a supplier can be approved based on certification, history, questionnaires or audits. Your Approved Supplier List is generated and updated automatically.


In this module all training programmes can be specified and scheduled. For each employee a training programme is generated and records for all training activities retained. Included in this module are important facilities such as training review to ensure compliance with standards is maintained.


All management systems including food safety are centred on various entities and events that need to managed and controlled. In this module all these can be set-up and used throughout the application. The benefit is quick form filling and high quality reports. The scope includes Equipment, machinery, suppliers, materials, products, customers, employees and non-conformances.

Document Control

This Centre provides a great resource for uploading, approving, issuing and updating all documents in a food safety management system. Everything from procedures to external documents can be controlled.

Risk Assessment

Food safety standards require risk assessment to be conducted on various aspects of a food safety system. It appears now that risk assessment is the foundation of all actions and decisions taken. The Risk Assessment feature is found in all records and work flows where required by global food standards. You have two options 1) Quick Risk Assessment 2) Detailed Risk Assessment. This makes the job of risk assessing very easy.

Audit Log

All records, programmes and work-flows have a dedicated log of all events and changes. Very useful for keeping auditors and customers happy. Also there is no need to maintain a paper log of changes and revisions.


All records and programmes have a facility to attach documents. This is great for keeping all relevant documents and reports with the record e.g. laboratory test and pest control reports.

Related Records

I personally love this feature. We have all experienced the situation when an auditor hands you a long list of records for an employee or entity in the plant. It can often take an hour or two to gather all the records for the auditor and of course there is always the record which can’t be found. This Safefood 360 feature lets you simply click on a specific employee, supplier or machine item and view all the relevant records. It keeps the auditor happy and so everyone is happy.

Electronic Signatures

All records when saved are applied with a signature, date and time. Perfect for maintaining authentic records.

Schedule & Action Grids

This feature allows for setting up schedules for HACCP plans, PRP’s, Management systems and a whole host of other systems. The benefit is that you are always aware of what is coming up or overdue. Users can also avail of email notifications and a really nice Action Grid present in each module.

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